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Ranorex Studio is marketed as an end-to-end GUI testing tool and has various features to test the GUI of the application. It allows the user to create code modules, making calls ...
As we have already discussed about launching the google page from Selenium WebDriver in Web Automation with Selenium WebDriver using Python ...
Page Object Model (POM)
Page Object Model is a design pattern which is commonly used in Test Automation to enhance test maintenance and reduce code duplication. It helps in building ...
Software Testing Techniques: Black Box Test Strategy
Software Testing is imperative for a bug-free application; this can be done manually or even automated. Although automation testing reduces the testing time ...
Whenever a test engineer thinks of turning their manual effort of testing web applications into automated scripts, Selenium is the first tool that they would opt ...
An Introduction to .NET Framework
.NET is a framework to develop software applications. It was designed and developed by Microsoft and the first beta version got released in 2000. It provides ...
Web Automation with Selenium WebDriver using Python
Any talk about web automation and Selenium ends up finding its way into the midst. Undoubtedly, Selenium is the most loved tool for both developers and testers across ...
Graphical interface (GUI), is that part of an application that’s visible to the user. GUI objects include elements like menus, buttons, icons, text boxes, lists, dialog boxes, ...
Performance software testing
Software testing can be divided into two main categories – Functional and Non-functional. Functional deals with the business logic and functional requirements of the ...
This document explains why Node.js is suited for BaaS implementations. It also gives a basic idea on how a REST API can be created to the same end...

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