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As users demand seamless experiences, the complexity of modern web applications continues to grow. Ensuring their reliability, functionality, and performance poses ...
In today's tech-driven world, the success of your software product hinges not only your own team’s capabilities but also those partner you choose for your software development ...
Customer Software development
Leveraging technology and software has become essential for companies to optimize their operations. The global market for custom software development is experiencing ...
In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the concept of customer experience has taken center stage. With the rise of digital technology and changing consumer ...
Page Object Model (POM)
Page Object Model is a design pattern which is commonly used in Test Automation to enhance test maintenance and reduce code duplication. It helps in building ...
Everyone must be familiar with the term “Rendering”, but then what does it mean in terms of Web Application Development? Here is a brief look into Web ...
Performance software testing
Software testing can be divided into two main categories – Functional and Non-functional. Functional deals with the business logic and functional requirements of the ...

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