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Trucking Union

A real-time collaboration platform for the logistics industry

SKILLNET - celestial Systems Industry: Logistics

Services Offered

UI/UX Consulting - celestial Systems

UI/UX Consulting

APP Development - celestial Systems

App Development

SKILLNET - celestial Systems
SKILLNET - celestial Systems


Teamsters Local 213 is a Vancouver-based Labour Union with approximately 1000 members. They allocate trucking jobs to their registered members. The Truck Union was initially processing everything manually, from creating a driver profile to the onboarding process and assigning tasks to drivers. This was a tedious and slow process with high turnaround times. Communication between the Union and its members was very inefficient and sporadic. Moreover, the Union could not track their members’ whereabouts during normal work hours.

Business Requirements

  • Teamsters needed a platform/real-time member tracking system which would help them better collaborate with their union members
  • To send/receive direct messages to/from the members
  • To track the members' location during the work hours
  • Store all member data in an easy-to-extract format

How Celestial helped?

We created a Mobile Application through which the communication gap between union members and Teamsters was bridged.

With the application supporting English, Punjabi, Hindi and French, localization and user-friendliness were given prime importance

A real-time member tracking system was implemented. Our solution was based on Flutter, a cross-platform technology that allowed us to reuse 80%+ of the code base for development in iOS & Android. This meant a 60% faster time-to-market.

SKILLNET - celestial Systems

Technology Used

SKILLNET - celestial Systems
SKILLNET - celestial Systems
SKILLNET - celestial Systems


  • Built an end-to-end system to manage trucking union members
  • 45% improvement in job allocation
  • 70% increased efficiency in issue resolution
  • 60% reduction in on-field queries

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